Film Options

The Mercury Stereo system can shoot 135, 120, 70mm, 65mm, and large format 4x5 sheet film, as well as more exotic formats like glass plates, tintypes, etc. Because medium format stereo (MF3D) is so film hungry, the best formats to shoot are long roll. The Mercury 70mm Panoramic Back enables the Stereo to shoot both 70mm aerial and portrait films and 65mm motion picture film. This last film is the most advanced set of film stocks ever developed, and represents the pinnacle of film options for Mercury Stereo. Kodak's Vision 3 65mm motion picture film stocks are being made available exclusively by Mercury Works. These stocks aren't ordinarily sold to the general public, and have not been previously made compatible with still cameras, other than as expensive and rare cuts down to 120, hand rolled.

Mercury's 65mm Film Release

Mercury is proud to make Kodak's 65mm motion picture film available via our exclusive adapters, for Mercury Stereo users as well as many other large format and medium format photographers, with all of the advantages of the long roll cassette system (a far superior format to 120) and half the price per exposure of professional 120 color films. For full information about this amazing film stock check out this page.

Kodak Vision 3 stocks

Particularly relevant to MF3D shooters is the fact that this film is designed to be printed to transparencies (originally motion picture release prints, but for our purposes, slides). Imagine being able to shoot high-latitude negative film, with ISO options form 50 (the finest grain camera film ever created) to 1600 (higher speed negatives easily pushed up to three stops), and yet still producing beautiful slides, in unlimited copies, from these negatives! That's what Mercury's new process allows. We hope that this will significantly revitalize MF3D.

Processing and Slide Printing

Mercury Works offers full service film processing, scanning, and slide printing through our photo lab, M-Alchemy. Head over to that site for full details and instructions for sending us your film. We offer E-6, C-41, ECN-2, and BW processing for all formats from 135 to large format, including 70mm and 65mm long roll processing (up to 15 ft). We are the only photo lab in the world to offer these services. We hope that you will consider us as your film lab of choice!

See the Backs page on this site for more information on all Mercury Stereo compatible backs and the films they utilize.